Want to sell a Pennsylvania Mortgage Note with issues… other note buyers couldn’t fix?
First, let’s look at the factors that determine the value of a mortgage note. We look at how the borrower handles his financial obligations, the type of property securing the real estate note, the equity position of the borrower, the amount of time the loan has been in place and the terms of the loan.
Is your borrower making his mortgage payments on time? Is he paying his other creditors?
If your borrower has strong credit, the less risk we incur and the more we will pay. If the your payer has weak credit, the riskier it is for us and the less we will pay. And, if we are dealing with poor credit, we would look at buying a portion of the mortgage note. Then later, when we have some actual experience with the borrower, we will look to buy more of the real estate note.
Which real estate notes are the most valuable?… An important factor when you want to sell a Pennsylvania mortgage note.
It depends on the type of property securing the real estate note.
The most desirable mortgage note and therefore the most valuable… is one that’s on the borrower’s home. Even if your payer has great credit, he may develop a serious health problem, lose his job or find himself in a divorce… with the result that he may not have enough money to pay all bills and, he’ll have to decide which are the most important bills to pay. And usually he’ll find a way to make his mortgage payment because he doesn’t want to lose his lose his home and maybe become homeless.
The next most desirable/valuable mortgage notes are on investor residential properties, commercial mortgages, mortgages on land and business notes.
Property value is key when you want to sell a Pennsylvania mortgage note. If the property is worth less than the balance of your mortgage note, we will look to purchase a portion of your note.
The terms of your real estate note are a big factor is establishing the value of your mortgage note.
If you want to sell a Pennsylvania mortgage note with a balloon payment in a few years… We will ask how your borrower plans to make that balloon payment. If the borrower doesn’t have a plan to make the balloon payment, we may modify the loan and remove the balloon by extending the current payment.
In summary, we are problem solvers. We buy many notes which other note buyers can’t buy… by developing creative solutions to overcoming problems. If you are running into problems when you are trying to sell a Pennsylvania mortgage note, give us a call. You will not be disappointed.
Find out what other note holders have said about dealing with us here. Or, you can check out our company philosophy and guarantee to you… by clicking here
If you have any questions or concerns, please call us at 772-232-2383 and we will help you in any way that we can.
If you want to sell a Pennsylvania mortgage note now… you may fill out the form on our home page or call us at 772-232-2383.