Sell a House with Owner Financing In Florida (772) 232-2382

Sell My House with Owner Financing in Florida

Thinking of selling your Florida home? Selling the traditional way (through an agent) will give you access to some buyers. However, if you’re asking, “how do I sell a house with owner financing in Florida” then you’re making a smart move that will give you access to many more buyers! Keep reading to find out how…

Introduction to “Sell a House with Owner Financing In Florida”

When a homeowner sells their home the traditional way (through an agent), the buyers are typically regular buyers who are trying to get a bank mortgage to buy a house. In some markets, there are a lot of these buyers but in other markets there aren’t as many. And real estate agents typically work with “pre-qualified” buyers who can get a mortgage through a bank.

However, this method of selling is not without its problems. For example, sometimes you have to wait to see if a buyer can even get financing (and sometimes the financing falls through so you’re forced to keep showing your house to find another buyer).

If you want to increase the likelihood that you’ll sell your house, and expand the range of possible buyers who can buy, here’s a little-known strategy you might not be aware of: sell your house with owner financing.

Owner financing is when a buyer skips the bank and buys directly from you. In essence, you’re the bank! Just like a bank, you get an up-front deposit and then you get regular payments that pay off the amount owing. In most cases, you hold the title until the house is fully paid off, and then the title transfers to the buyer.

Benefits of selling with owner financing

  • It opens up the number of buyers because now you’ll be able to find buyers who might not normally be able to get bank financing.
  • It gives you cash flow, since they buyer will need to pay regular payments to you (just as they would need to pay regular mortgage payments to the bank).
  • It protects you because even if the buyer stops paying, you still own the house!
  • And unlike owning a rental, there isn’t a lot of property management since that will be the responsibility of the buyer.

What’s next…

Wondering, “how do I sell a house with owner financing in Florida”? Start by deciding how much you’d like to get each month for your house.

There are many different ways to sell your house and in this blog post we shared with you how to sell with owner financing. Selling with owner financing isn’t for everyone but if you want more exposure to buyers, plus some cash flow, plus plenty of protection, then selling with owner financing might be right for you.

And did you know that if you sell with owner financing, at some point, you can turn those monthly payments into a large sum of cash? If you have already sold a property with owner financing and you’re considering selling all or some of those payments or cash, you can start by filling in the form below:

I'd like BEST PRICE for ALL or PART of My Note

  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

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