Florida Mortgage Note for Sale?

Key factors to keep in mind when you have a Florida Morgage Note for Sale

Florida Mortgage Note for sale

When a note buyer looks at buying a mortgage note, he has to assess risk. The more risk, the mortgage note buyer is asked to take, the less money the note buyer  can pay.

What are the risk factors for the Investor when you offer your Florida mortgage note for sale?

First, we try to assess if your payer will make his payments on time. 

We look at two things.  We look at how your payer is performing on the note you want to sell.  Next, we look at how he is performing with his other creditors… we look at the payer’s credit report.  The better the credit report and performance on your note, the less risk to the note buyer and the the more we will pay..

The next set of factors are related to the property.  

Remember, we are evaluating risk– reward… and the most desirable mortgage note is on a single family home in which the borrower lives. The least desirable real estate note is a mortgage note on raw land. If the borrower has a financial hardship, the house payment will be the last payment he won’t make since he doesn’t want to lose his house .  But not making payments on a real estate note on land may affect his credit history but it will not greatly affect his life style… but losing his home will greatly affect his lifestyle.

The next group of factors all relate to the terms of the mortgage note.  

Let’s look at two mortgage notes which are the same except for the interest rate. They both are $100,000 private mortgage notes. One note is written at 3.5% with a monthly payment of $449.03 and the other has an interest rate of 7% with a monthly payment of $665.30. We will pay more for mortgage note with the $655.30 payment. As a general rule we will pay more for a note with a higher interest rate.

When placing your Florida mortgage note for sale, be sure to evaluate all options. For a fair offer, fill out the below form.  Or call us at 772-232-2383.

And while you are here, take a moment to see what others have said to say about dealing with us.

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